Become a Preferred Partner and receive a 20% revenue share

Program Details

Register as a partner and we provide you a Promotion Code that your referrals will use when they sign-up for the BI4Cloud service.

Receive 12 months Free subscription to BI4Cloud for your demonstrations and internal use along with free training and support to help you with Client demonstrations.

Once you achieve five (5) successful referrals you attain Preferred Partner status.

Your Promotion Code is the key to track your income share.

  • Preferred Partners receive 20% revenue share of ongoing subscriptions, paid quarterly
  • Ongoing Free subscription to BI4Cloud for your demonstrations and internal use
  • We will refer training & consulting opportunities to Preferred Partners
  • Preferred Partners receive Advanced BI Training so you can earn income for BI consulting services and better support your clients.

Why wait? Provide your details and become a partner today.

Your Information

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    Your Email (required)

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